Rodel Clean Energy Project

Reliable and abundant energy is essential to a modern economy.  Unfortunately, most of our energy still comes from coal, oil, and gas.  Transitioning the US economy from polluting fossil fuels to clean energy will require fundamental changes and increased public and private sector investments in clean energy production.  Rodel supports polices that build complete energy systems and technologies that can provide abundant, reliable, affordable and clean energy with the least harmful environmental impacts.  An effective system with these attributes must include 24/7 dispatchable, “baseload power,” which can only be provided by fossil fuels combined with technologies that remove their pollutants or nuclear energy. Because removing pollutants from fossil fuels remains impractical, and wind and solar energy sources cannot provide firm baseload power, we are focused on removing the barriers to rapid deployment of nuclear energy.


Recent publications, which explain our approach and priorities, include: The Realities of supplying Abundant, Clean Energy, Cipher News; Why Renewables Cannot Replace Fossil Fuels, Democracy JournalA secure energy future requires nuclear energy, Aspen Institute Blog post; and Is Nuclear Energy Too Expensive?, Democracy Journal. For general information on the global movement to accelerate nuclear energy, see Build Nuclear Now.


Rodel Foundation grants are rewarded only by invitation. A recent example is our partnership with the Oppenheimer Project, which is designed to inform and engage philanthropists and climate-focused organizations on the potential of nuclear energy as an essential climate solution. We also support leading policy groups and researchers invested in pragmatic climate solutions. Organizations we support include:

  • Third Way — Energy and Climate program. A national think tank that champions policies that will drive innovation and deployment of clean energy technologies.
  • The Breakthrough Institute — Energy and Climate program. A global research center that identifies and promotes technological solutions to environmental and human development challenges.
  • Clean Air Task Force – Energy Program. A non-traditional environmental organization designed to catalyze private sector and government activity to lower the cost, increase deployment speed, and address legacy issues of nuclear technology.
  • Aspen Institute – Energy and Environment Program. Addresses critical energy, environmental, and climate change issues through non-partisan, no ideological convening.
  • Columbia University — Center on Global Energy Policy and the Center for Radiological Research and a recent project examining “A New Approach Towards a More Realistic Low-Dose Radiation Protection System”.


We also proudly partner with Breakthrough Energy, Clear Path, and the Bernard and Anne Spitzer Charitable Trust.


Dr. Paul Bauman directs Rodel’s Clean Energy Project. For more information, please contact Paul at [email protected].